Benefits of our e-MAR

Just the Basics!

No Guesswork

Getting discrepancies from an audit is no fun and can have serious implications for your business.

Get a Text Message sent to your phone before errors occur! Whether your facility is defect free or has had challenges, we can keep you on track. Rest easy knowing your staff is doing it right.

Med-Tech's are left with NO guesswork - we even keep track of inventory and automatically trigger refill requests to the pharmacy.

Our proven and secure browser-based Electronic MAR (eMAR) charting system streamlines the workflow in long term care facilities and dramatically increases your overall profitability.

Never miss a diagnosis, PRN result, blood pressure, pulse, or other regulatory requirement again.

MAR's and other reports are generated automatically - reducing your paperwork burden, saving thousands of dollars in labor.

ChartMeds sends electronic prescriptions directly to your pharmacy (without transaction fees!), and refills are automatic.


With risk management, your facility is more profitable

Using ChartMeds Paper MAR
Profitability Assumption $266,000 $250,000
Med Related Fines $0 $2,000
Lawsuit Avoidance $0 $7,000
Insurance $22,500 $25,000
Staff costs $127,750 $155,125
ChartMeds Cost $4,500 $0
Bottom Line Profitability $111,250 $60,875

Higher occupancy rates

75% of families spend over 30 hours of research before deciding on a facility.

If a 100 bed home has an occupancy rate of 75%, this could easily improve by 10% or more if the home has excellent safety and few audit discrepancies. If the average annual revenue per resident is $40,000 and the average profitability is 5%, then that would be an annual boost of $16,000.

Medication Related Fines Reduced

Legislators at all levels are talking about raising maximum fines

Legislators at all levels are talking about raising the maximum fines, now usually $10,000—to $25,000 for a “serious deficiency” and to $100,000 for one that resulted in a patient’s death.

Lawsuit avoidance

Defending just one lawsuit can cause your insurance premiums to skyrocket

The most common of medical errors are the most preventable using our system;

  • a medication due to improper information such as allergies, etc.
  • Lack of up to date warning or miscommunication due to poor handwriting.
  • Confusion among drugs with similar names or dosage.
  • Administering medication to the wrong resident.

Insurance Premium Reduction

Homes that have processes for avoiding risk can easily enjoy savings of 10% or more.

A 100 bed home that pays $250 per bed in insurance could save $2,500/year.

Staff are Used More Efficiently

No longer need to dig through binders of paperwork to find information, or wade through illegible documents to try and figure out if a resident has had all their medications.

For example, a 100 bed facility has the following pass times:

  • 8:00am (1,000 meds to pass) – 5 man-hours
  • 12:00pm (100 meds to pass) - 1 man-hours
  • 4:00pm (100 meds to pass) - 1 man-hours
  • 8:00pm (800 meds to pass) - 4 man-hours
Using ChartMeds, the pass can be reduced by about 30%, which would reduce the man hours from 11 to about 9 (730 hours per year reduction). If each technician has a total burden of $25/hr, that would be a savings of about $18,250/year. If your facility averages 2 hours per day of phone time with the pharmacy that can be reduced to less than 1 hour per day (365 hours per year), or $9,125/year. *New York Times, Sept 23, 2007
